Wepecket Island Records, Folk music, traditional folk, traditional American music, banjos
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Kaia Kater
Kaia's web site
Kaia's CDs

One of the youngest performers in the old-time and folk communities, this 19 year-old plays the banjo, sings and has her own unique take on Appalachian music.

Kaia is an eclectic traditionalist, and thanks to her youth and her showmanship she engages audiences with music that most people her age have hardly heard about.

Originally from Quebec, and now based in Toronto, Kaia is currently on scholarship at Davis & Elkins College in Elkins, WV, where she is pursuing studies in Appalachian music and culture. She performs regularly in Canada and as part of her studies in the USA.

We hope to be producing a lot more of Kaia's music in the near future. One project we have already started developing is a marvelous collaboration with a scholar in Oregon that will result in a CD to accompany a documentary film on the life of Letitia Carson, an African-American woman from Kentucky who emigrated to Oregon in the early 1840s.


© Wepecket Island Records
P. O. Box 109, Raynham, MA 02767
p: 508.292.5632 e-mail: info@wepecket.com