Wepecket Island Records, Folk music, traditional folk, traditional American music, banjos

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Two Old Folkies

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A chance encounter at the bar of the Blackthorne Publick House in Easton, Mass. gave rise to the formation of this widely diverse and deeply talented duo.

Rick Olsen is a veteran of Greenwich Village, the Catskills, and a whole bunch of other musical associations. His strong accompaniment on guitar and banjo and expressive baritone voice lend themselves to a wide range of music, from old folk songs to Broadway hits to "The Great American Songbook."

'Ragtime' Jack Radcliffe, recently inducted into the Old-Time Music Hall of Fame, is a life-long piano player, guitarist and champion fiddler. He also adds his rich voice on a number of songs.

They love parties and can be fairly easily coaxed into playing for yours.

Give Jack a call at 508-292-5632 to work out the details.


Wepecket Island Records
P. O. Box 109, Raynham, MA 02767
p: 508.292.5632 e-mail: info@wepecket.com
© Copyright 2003-, Wepecket Island Records, Inc. All rights reserved.